
Arcadia platformArchitect allows engineers to automatically create derivatives of a 150% master design using advanced processing techniques. Each resulting harness will be packaged with its associated artefacts including schematic, formboard drawing and reports.

Dynamically update your variant/option matrix and dynamically regenerate drawings.

Manage your wiring complexity with ease!

Control your programmes

An entire set of schematic and harness drawings can be generated for a specific variant with correct bundle lengths, wire cut length and content.

Manufacturing reports can be generated for each specific build variant aiding manufacture and removing the chance of errors often seen with traditional processes.

In conjunction with the techPublisher publishing application you can create specific service publications for every variant of your product avoiding nonspecific content.

Automatic Outputs

Simple, easy to manage Variants & Options Matrix that can pre-configured to generate the desired Schematic & Harness from the 150% design.

Traditional methods of managing Harness options and variants is complex and very hard to do reliably, platformArchitect takes away the pain and makes such management reliable and manageable.

Features and Benefits

  • Simple to Configure & Manage
  • Manage different platforms per profile
  • Advanced Dashboard Management System
  • Generate Unique Reports per Variant
  • Advanced Synchronisation between Schematic/Harness
  • On-the-fly generation one off reports
  • Streamline Harness Variants for Production Batches
  • Table-Driven Bundle Lengths Allow Dynamic Cut Length


Dynamic Reports

An entire set of drawings (Schematic & Harness) can be generated for a specific variant with all the attributes and length information

Dashboard Manager

An quick and easy way to manage Complex Variants & Option matrix and derive new vehicle programs or generate the drawing for specific configuration easily

Automated Design Process

With platformArchitect the system will allocate the Terminals/Cavity Seals/Plugs and other harness entities based on Variants & Options